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8 CATHOLIC Businesses and Non-Profits that Deserve Your Support This Giving Season

Writer's picture: Emily WahlEmily Wahl

Who Deserves Your Money This Giving Season?

The giving season is upon us.

If you’re like me, you’re probably already being bombarded by emails, snail mails, phone solicitors, and sketchy text messages.

That’s right. Businesses across the country are looking to raid your wallet this Black Friday, Small Business Saturday (yes, that’s actually a thing), Cyber Monday, and giving Tuesday.

‘Tis the cultural season of spending. Spending isn’t an inherently evil activity. It can actually do a lot of good. Think about the differences of buying from a local Catholic-owned business versus Walmart or donating to your local Pregnancy Resource Center versus the alternative.

Unfortunately, we can’t always be sure how a business uses the dollars we spend on it nowadays. How do you know what companies deserve your support? How can you be certain that a company or nonprofit actually upholds your Catholic values and moral teachings?

Relax. I’ve got you covered.

I’ve compiled a list of my 8 favorite Catholic businesses and non-profits that deserve your support this giving season… and that make some pretty amazing gifts as well.

Gift Ideas

1. Seven Weeks

Seven Weeks Coffee is a Catholic coffee company on a mission to support pro-life ministries across the country. Promoted by none other than pro-life advocate Lila Rose, Seven Weeks gives 10% of their sales to pro-life organizations, particularly crisis pregnancy centers.

And their coffee is fantastic!

Whether you like light, medium, or dark roast, prefer whole bean or pre-ground coffee, or just need some pods for your Keurig, Seven weeks has options for you. And their Heartbeat Club is a great way to get coffees delivered to your front door on a regular schedule, while at the same time supporting pro-life causes.

It’s called Seven Weeks because a baby is the size of a coffee bean at seven weeks. Now that’s a fun fact!

If you’re a coffee lover and an advocate for the pro-life cause, you’ll definitely want to check out Seven Weeks.

2. Catholic Coffee Company


I know I’m recommending two coffee companies. But how could I not? We coffee lovers love our options, after all, especially when a good cuppa joe is involved.

The Catholic Coffee Company is a great option for those who believe that coffee should be the Church’s eighth sacrament… or at least a sacramental.

They have gift sets available that provide a variety of roasts and blends. They have a subscription option so that you can get your favorite roast or flavor delivered straight to your door on a biweekly or monthly schedule, and they offer some wonderful coffee merchandise like mugs, thermoses, coasters, and French presses.

And if coffee is part of your morning prayer routine, you can even pick up a St. Michael the Archangel decade Rosary that’ll fit comfortably onto your keychain.

K-Cups are also available for those who brew their coffee in a Keurig.

3. Theology of Home

Theology of Home is an uplifting and encouraging resource by Catholic women and for Catholic women.

Recognizing that Catholic motherhood and homemaking is deeply undervalued in our society, Theology of Home strives to help women discover the deeper meaning of their vocations, be a source of support and encouragement, and empower Catholic women to harness the evangelical power of their natural relationship-building gift.

They have a wide variety of gifts for the women and children in your life, including books for both moms and kids, beautifully designed stationery and journals, scented candles, and more.

So if you’re looking for a beautiful and encouraging gift for the moms and homemakers in your life, you’re sure to find the perfect gift at Theology of Home.

4. Board Catholic

We’ve all played those Catholic games that were about as fun as Fr. Monotone’s Thursday night droning sessions commonly referred to as “Catechism class.” Or what about those Catholic games that were supposed to be for adults, but just felt juvenile?

Well, Board Catholic has solved that problem!

Say goodbye to boring Catholic board games and card games that are either too academic or too childish, and say hello to these smart, fun, and relatable Catholic games that are guaranteed to make you laugh!

Board Catholic offers two card games — The Catholic Card Game and Council at Daybreak. Council at Daybreak is a hilarious Catholic version of the popular game “Murder,” where your goal is to find the heretic or schismatic.

The Catholic Card Game is a fun prompt-and-answer game that includes 400 cards. You’ll get prompts like “I will be canonized for _____” with hilarious response options like “Punching heretics.” Expansion packs are also available for even more fun!

In addition to games, Board Catholic also offers incredibly well-designed comic books, fun Catholic stickers, and more.

5. Chrism Studio

I have to give a plug to my new ventures here at Chrism Studio!

For the past few months, I’ve been working on an online store and I decided it was good enough to start advertising for the Christmas season! I am my own worst critic.

I am now selling hard-goods with Catholic themed designs, created by yours truly. I aim to sell things that enrich your Catholic life, whether through proclaiming it or fostering a better prayer life. I really hope you check it out and maybe even make a purchase!

Use GRATEFUL15 at check out for 15% off.

Giving Ideas

Now that you’ve got some ideas for where to get gifts, how about worthy Catholic causes that uphold Church teaching and deserve your financial support? Here are just a few…

6. Your Local Pregnancy Resource Center

Pregnancy resource centers across the country do so much more than just help abortion-minded women choose life. They also connect these women with the support and resources they need to raise their baby once they’ve chosen life.

These centers are crucial to the pro-life movement throughout our country, but especially in those states that are most militant in promoting abortion, contraception, and anti-life causes.

My primary pregnancy resource centers to support are the Abria Pregnancy Resource Center and Southwest Options for Women. Both centers focus on empowering women by connecting them with the information and resources they need to make a fully informed decision about their pregnancy. From free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds, to coaching and education that helps them become the best mother they can possibly be, these two pregnancy resource centers are truly woman-focused.

Although I live in Wisconsin, I grew up in Minnesota. I’ve been heartbroken to see my home state turn into abortion sanctuary states, so I believe these two PRCs need our help more than ever before.

7. Theology of the Body Evangelization Team (TOBET)

Has the Church provided a response to the sexual revolution and things like homosexuality, gender ideology, artificial contraception and abortion beyond saying, “This stuff will lead you to hell”?

Believe it or not, yes!

The Theology of the Body Evangelization Team (a.k.a.TOBET) helps Catholics discover the Church’s positive response to the sexual revolution as communicated in Pope St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body.

Pope St. John Paul II spent the first several years of his pontificate addressing what he calls an “adequate anthropology.” His goal was to help men and women of good will discover God’s plan for making us male and female from the beginning prior to the fall.

TOBET offers programs, children’s books, school curricula, teaching resources, marriage prep courses, and talks all geared toward unpacking John Paul II’s — and the Church’s — rich teachings on God’s beautiful plan for creating us male and female from the beginning.

And while they do sell products, they’re also a non-profit that needs your support to continue promoting the Church’s vision in these times of sexual confusion.

8. Your Local Parish

We often don’t think about this, but your parish is your spiritual home. And just like your domestic home, your spiritual home needs financial support just to keep the lights on and the heat and air conditioner running.

But there’s more.

If you’re like most other devout Catholics, you want your parish to be a vibrant center for catechesis, youth ministry, adult formation, and Catholic community in general.

Each of these requires us to give of our time, talent, and, yes, our treasure if we’re to offer truly inspiring and community-building events and catechesis.

So if you’re looking for a worthy Catholic cause to donate to this giving season, start a little closer to home and consider giving your own parish a little more than the $5 bill you typically throw in the basket.

Who Will You Support?

These eight Catholic companies and non-profits are just some of my favorites that I support and recommend to others. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t a large number of others out there.

That’s why I want to hear from you!

In the comments section below, please share the Catholic companies and non-profits that you recommend. Let’s see if we can give them all an extra boost this giving season.

How important is it for you to spend your money at a company that aligns with your values?

  • The most important

  • Somewhat important

  • Neutral

  • Not that important

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1 Comment

Michael Angsten
Michael Angsten
Nov 23, 2023

Never heard of 7 weeks coffee they look awesome! 😃 also I like your God is good all the time design 👌👌

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